A High Quality Anime Based Dragon Game

Dragon Ball Z is one of the most famous anime shows in the history of the genre with many anime fans ranking the series as their favorite or one of their absolute favorites at the very least. The character development, the storylines and the fight sequences are all fantastic in the anime series with the dialogues also extremely fun. There is no denying that once you start watching the series, it would be difficult for you to leave it midway because of the high quality entertainment delivered by it. The fans of the show connect so strongly with the characters that they want to not just watch them in action but also to be able to play with them in mobile games. There have been multiple attempts at creating good games for the series but most of them have been card based gaming efforts which haven’t proved as successful. A fighter based game though has made huge waves in the gaming world and this dragon game has definitely proven to be the winner. Dragon Ball Legends is an extremely entertaining game based on the characters and heroes of the popular anime series Dragon Ball Z.
Dragon Ball Z
The most entertaining and interesting aspect of the dragon game are the vast variety of gaming options available at your disposal. The basic core thought behind the game is to ensure that the players never get bored by similar gaming environments and gaming missions and therefore, you get multiple engaging and entertaining gaming modes to keep you attentive and to keep you playing the game. The gaming modes include campaign/mission mode, event mode, challenge mode and the PvP mode. Each gaming mode brings out a different aspect of the game and ensures that there is always something new and different to look forward to.
Dragon Ball Z
The game’s core gameplay can be experienced in the campaign/missions mode where you select a hero and start the game. The storyline picks up various events from the anime itself and therefore, fans of the anime series would enjoy this aspect of the dragon game to the fullest. There is a lot of nostalgia inducing moments present in this gaming mode. There is also a lot of curiosity induced by the developers by bringing images and dialogues from the actual series in the game as there is always the added motivation to keep playing on so as to discover other scenes from the Dragon Ball Z series.
The other gaming modes are also entertaining with event mode particularly great if you want to win quick rewards. The events are created by the dragon game every week and every month with the players who score the best in these games winning the advertised rewards. This is great for users who want to quickly progress in the game and want to unlock heroes quickly.
Dragon Ball Z
PvP is the multiplayer offering of the game where you have to compete against other online players. The disappointing aspect of this gaming mode is that there is no classification or categorization of opponents and therefore, you can certainly go head-to-head against far more experienced players who have gone farther into the game. This creates an unbalance and can really put a dent in the confidence of younger players.


  • Excellent variety of gaming modes
  • Highly entertaining and challenging campaign mode
  • Superb event based gaming mode
  • Fantastic PvP mode where you can battle against other online players
  • High quality graphics with excellent fight sequences


Dragon Ball Legends is a competitive and interesting dragon game based on the popular anime series Dragon Ball Z. With easy controls, good quality graphics and multiple gaming modes, this game delivers high quality entertainment.

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Updated At: 2024-11-23
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free